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By opposition team
New Zealand 2001-2019 9 9 0 0 0 - 55.64 4.17 13 715 354 investigate this query
v Bangladesh
South Africa 2002-2017 6 6 0 0 0 - 77.97 3.94 7 573 429 investigate this query
v Bangladesh
Pakistan 2001-2020 5 5 0 0 0 - 43.76 3.37 8 546 175 investigate this query
v Bangladesh
India 2017-2019 3 3 0 0 0 - 67.44 4.22 4 687 - investigate this query
v Bangladesh
Australia 2003-2003 2 2 0 0 0 - 87.54 3.74 2 556 - investigate this query
v Bangladesh
Sri Lanka 2001-2021 14 11 1 0 2 11.000 58.56 3.86 20 648 319 investigate this query
v Bangladesh
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent Test matches:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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