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Innings by innings list
Namibia 287/8 49.0 5.85 1 won v U.S.A. Lauderhill 20 Sep 2019 investigate this query
Namibia 226/7 50.0 4.52 1 won v Oman Windhoek 27 Apr 2019 investigate this query
U.S.A. 142 37.0 3.83 2 lost v Namibia Lauderhill 20 Sep 2019 investigate this query
U.S.A. 122/5 31.2 3.89 2 won v Namibia Lauderhill 17 Sep 2019 investigate this query
Namibia 121 46.0 2.63 1 lost v U.S.A. Lauderhill 17 Sep 2019 investigate this query
Oman 81 29.0 2.79 2 lost v Namibia Windhoek 27 Apr 2019 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent One-Day Internationals:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 3rd ODI, Mar 18, 2024 [ODI # 4745]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd ODI, Mar 15, 2024 [ODI # 4744]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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