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Start of match date less than or equal to 4 Aug 2021 remove less than or equal to 4 Aug 2021 from query
Series ICC World Test Championship, 2021-2023 remove ICC World Test Championship, 2021-2023 from query
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Series averages
India 1 0 0 0 1 0.000 30.00 3.33 2 278 278 4 Aug 2021 Australia investigate this query
ICC World Test Championship, 2021-2023
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent relevant matches:
West Indies v New Zealand at Tarouba, ICC Men's T20 World Cup 26th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2672]
United States of America v India at New York, ICC Men's T20 World Cup 25th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2671]
Hungary v Israel at Rome, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Sub Regional Europe Qualifier Group A 12th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2670]
Luxembourg v Turkey at Spinaceto, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Sub Regional Europe Qualifier Group A 11th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2669]
Austria v Portugal at Rome, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Sub Regional Europe Qualifier Group A 10th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2668]
Italy v Isle of Man at Spinaceto, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Sub Regional Europe Qualifier Group A 9th match, Jun 12, 2024 [T20I # 2667]
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