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Overall figures
G Giffen (AUS) 1881-1896 31 1238 161 23.35 1 103 7/117 27.09 7 24 0 -3.73 investigate this query
JH Sinclair (SA) 1896-1911 25 1069 106 23.23 3 63 6/26 31.68 1 9 0 -8.44 investigate this query
MA Noble (AUS) 1898-1909 42 1997 133 30.25 1 121 7/17 25.00 9 26 0 5.25 investigate this query
W Rhodes (ENG) 1899-1930 58 2325 179 30.19 2 127 8/68 26.96 6 60 0 3.22 investigate this query
WW Armstrong (AUS) 1902-1921 50 2863 159* 38.68 6 87 6/35 33.59 3 44 0 5.09 investigate this query
GA Faulkner (SA) 1906-1924 25 1754 204 40.79 4 82 7/84 26.58 4 20 0 14.20 investigate this query
FE Woolley (ENG) 1909-1934 64 3283 154 36.07 5 83 7/76 33.91 4 64 0 2.16 investigate this query
C Kelleway (AUS) 1910-1928 26 1422 147 37.42 3 52 5/33 32.36 1 24 0 5.05 investigate this query
JM Gregory (AUS) 1920-1928 24 1146 119 36.96 2 85 7/69 31.15 4 37 0 5.81 investigate this query
MW Tate (ENG) 1924-1935 39 1198 100* 25.48 1 155 6/42 26.16 7 11 0 -0.67 investigate this query
WR Hammond (ENG) 1927-1947 85 7249 336* 58.45 22 83 5/36 37.80 2 110 0 20.65 investigate this query
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