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Overall figures
GT Dowling 1968-1971 13 26 1 905 239 36.20 2 2 0 investigate this query
MG Burgess 1968-1969 11 21 2 662 119* 34.84 1 5 2 investigate this query
BE Congdon 1968-1971 13 26 2 646 78 26.91 0 7 1 investigate this query
BAG Murray 1968-1971 13 26 1 598 90 23.92 0 5 1 investigate this query
GM Turner 1969-1971 6 12 1 406 110 36.90 1 3 0 investigate this query
BF Hastings 1969-1969 7 13 1 358 83 29.83 0 3 0 investigate this query
V Pollard 1968-1971 11 21 1 248 34 12.40 0 0 2 investigate this query
DR Hadlee 1969-1969 7 11 2 187 56 20.77 0 1 3 investigate this query
BR Taylor 1968-1969 7 13 0 141 28 10.84 0 0 3 investigate this query
KJ Wadsworth 1969-1971 9 15 0 106 21 7.06 0 0 3 investigate this query
RS Cunis 1969-1971 7 13 1 100 35 8.33 0 0 3 investigate this query
RC Motz 1968-1969 6 10 0 99 22 9.90 0 0 0 investigate this query
K Thomson 1968-1968 2 4 1 94 69 31.33 0 1 1 investigate this query
BW Yuile 1968-1969 4 8 3 83 47* 16.60 0 0 0 investigate this query
HJ Howarth 1969-1971 9 14 6 64 25 8.00 0 0 2 investigate this query
JC Alabaster 1968-1968 4 7 4 59 34 19.66 0 0 0 investigate this query
RO Collinge 1968-1971 4 6 2 50 19 12.50 0 0 0 investigate this query
BW Sinclair 1968-1968 2 4 0 40 20 10.00 0 0 1 investigate this query
GA Bartlett 1968-1968 2 3 0 33 22 11.00 0 0 1 investigate this query
JT Ward 1968-1968 1 2 1 15 10* 15.00 0 0 0 investigate this query
MJF Shrimpton 1971-1971 1 2 0 8 8 4.00 0 0 1 investigate this query
RI Harford 1968-1968 3 5 2 7 6 2.33 0 0 1 investigate this query
RW Morgan 1971-1971 1 2 0 6 6 3.00 0 0 1 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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