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Overall figures
GOB Allen, SC Griffith 1948-1948 1 0 72 72 72.00 0 1 investigate this query
GOB Allen, J Hardstaff jnr 1948-1948 1 0 85 85 85.00 0 1 investigate this query
LEG Ames, CJ Barnett 1937-1937 1 0 40 40 40.00 0 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, PA Gibb 1938-1938 1 0 44 44 44.00 0 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, G Gunn 1930-1930 1 0 5 5 5.00 0 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, WR Hammond 1931-1939 9 0 589 197 65.44 3 1 investigate this query
LEG Ames, EH Hendren 1930-1930 4 1 400 237 133.33 1 2 investigate this query
LEG Ames, L Hutton 1939-1939 1 0 60 60 60.00 0 1 investigate this query
LEG Ames, M Leyland 1933-1937 4 0 72 38 18.00 0 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, E Paynter 1939-1939 2 0 118 74 59.00 0 1 investigate this query
LEG Ames, A Sandham 1930-1930 1 0 249 249 249.00 1 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, H Sutcliffe 1935-1935 1 0 1 1 1.00 0 0 investigate this query
LEG Ames, RES Wyatt 1935-1935 1 0 9 9 9.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, KF Barrington 1967-1967 2 0 117 94 58.50 0 1 investigate this query
DL Amiss, MC Cowdrey 1968-1968 1 0 1 1 1.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, MH Denness 1974-1974 3 0 108 69 36.00 0 1 investigate this query
DL Amiss, BL D'Oliveira 1971-1971 1 0 5 5 5.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, KWR Fletcher 1973-1976 5 0 127 68 25.40 0 1 investigate this query
DL Amiss, TW Graveney 1966-1968 3 0 73 41 24.33 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, AW Greig 1974-1974 1 0 16 16 16.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, DW Randall 1977-1977 1 0 6 6 6.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, GRJ Roope 1973-1973 1 0 9 9 9.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, RW Tolchard 1977-1977 2 0 10 9 5.00 0 0 investigate this query
DL Amiss, P Willey 1976-1976 1 0 128 128 128.00 1 0 investigate this query
EG Arnold, RE Foster 1903-1903 1 0 44 44 44.00 0 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, JP Crawley 1995-1995 1 0 174 174 174.00 1 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, MW Gatting 1993-1994 2 0 48 28 24.00 0 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, GA Gooch 1993-1994 2 0 131 108 65.50 1 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, DI Gower 1991-1992 2 0 183 139 91.50 1 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, DW Headley 1997-1997 1 0 35 35 35.00 0 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, GA Hick 1993-1995 8 0 475 142 59.37 1 3 investigate this query
MA Atherton, N Hussain 1997-1997 1 0 80 80 80.00 0 1 investigate this query
MA Atherton, MD Moxon 1989-1989 1 0 39 39 39.00 0 0 investigate this query
MA Atherton, RA Smith 1990-1990 2 0 126 96 63.00 0 1 investigate this query
MA Atherton, AJ Stewart 1993-1995 3 0 95 80 31.66 0 1 investigate this query
MA Atherton, GP Thorpe 1995-1997 2 0 33 33 16.50 0 0 investigate this query
CWJ Athey, BC Broad 1987-1988 3 0 58 33 19.33 0 0 investigate this query
CWJ Athey, MW Gatting 1986-1988 4 0 158 102 39.50 1 0 investigate this query
CWJ Athey, DI Gower 1986-1986 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 investigate this query
CWJ Athey, AJ Lamb 1988-1988 1 0 22 22 22.00 0 0 investigate this query
CWJ Athey, RA Smith 1988-1988 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 investigate this query
RJ Bailey, AJ Lamb 1990-1990 1 0 6 6 6.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, AV Bedser 1950-1950 1 0 1 1 1.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, MC Cowdrey 1957-1957 1 0 12 12 12.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, WJ Edrich 1949-1949 1 0 5 5 5.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, DJ Insole 1957-1957 1 0 22 22 22.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, PBH May 1958-1959 3 0 97 85 32.33 0 1 investigate this query
TE Bailey, Rev.DS Sheppard 1956-1956 1 0 33 33 33.00 0 0 investigate this query
TE Bailey, RT Simpson 1951-1951 1 0 27 27 27.00 0 0 investigate this query
AH Bakewell, MJL Turnbull 1933-1933 1 0 4 4 4.00 0 0 investigate this query
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