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Overall figures
S Chanderpaul (WI) 2000-2008 18 24 6 1576 203* 87.55 3645 43.23 6 7 0 185 4 investigate this query
DPMD Jayawardene (SL) 2000-2007 17 27 5 1887 237 85.77 3772 50.02 7 7 0 226 9 investigate this query
Mohammad Yousuf (PAK) 2000-2007 16 24 3 1771 203 84.33 3467 51.08 7 6 1 202 15 investigate this query
JH Kallis (SA) 1999-2008 22 40 11 2237 189* 77.13 5240 42.69 8 11 3 238 17 investigate this query
BC Lara (WI) 2000-2006 17 25 1 1730 400* 72.08 2994 57.78 6 4 2 203 17 investigate this query
V Sehwag (IND) 2001-2008 22 34 1 2352 319 71.27 3029 77.64 9 4 3 326 20 investigate this query
CH Gayle (WI) 2000-2007 20 30 3 1890 317 70.00 3285 57.53 4 9 0 283 18 investigate this query
R Dravid (IND) 2000-2008 30 48 9 2640 222 67.69 6112 43.19 9 12 0 328 4 investigate this query
VVS Laxman (IND) 2001-2008 28 41 10 1990 178 64.19 4101 48.52 6 11 2 259 1 investigate this query
SR Tendulkar (IND) 2000-2008 25 36 5 1979 241* 63.83 3675 53.85 6 9 3 264 4 investigate this query
MP Vaughan (ENG) 1999-2008 23 41 3 2102 197 55.31 4203 50.01 8 6 1 266 4 investigate this query
SC Ganguly (IND) 2000-2008 24 34 3 1595 239 51.45 2729 58.44 5 6 1 199 13 investigate this query
ME Trescothick (ENG) 2000-2006 19 37 4 1502 132 45.51 2970 50.57 2 10 1 205 8 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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